3 Tips To Improve Your Website’s FAQs Page

Often times the FAQs page is regarded as a more standard or basic section of your website in terms of web design. It can actually be an important page of your site and when done correctly, the FAQs page can be a time-saver for both you and the end user. If users can find answers to the most commonly asked questions conveniently in one place, they do not need to try and contact the business. The business, in turn, does not need to provide support to answer these standard or routine questions.
Here are 3 tips to improve your website’s FAQs page:
Categorize to Organize
If your FAQs page has a lot of content to include, using categories to organize the content will allow users to easily find the information that they are looking for, and in addition, make your FAQs page more aesthetically pleasing in terms of web design. Make sure the categories are relevant and somewhat intuitive in relation to your website and products/services so end users can navigate the information quickly and efficiently.
Questions You Can Click
Are the answers on your FAQs page more like paragraphs as oppose to a sentence? If possible, try to keep content clear and concise. However, if for some reason it is simply just not possible to keep things short and sweet, consider hiding the answers so the questions appear one underneath the other, allowing end users to easily scan the entire list of questions more efficiently. That way, only if the user clicks the question does the answer appear – you can explore various web design elements such as the ‘accordion style’ display method to display your FAQs creatively.
Make it Easily Accessible
No point in having answers to questions if end users can’t find them! Ensure the link to your FAQs page is in a generally visible area of your website (e.g. part of your main menu navigation) or in some other logical place (e.g. as part of your ‘Help’ page if you have one). Consider easy accessibility for website administration purposes as well just in case you need to update your FAQs page content. For instance, if you worked with a web design agency to create your website, this could mean having an easy-to-use Content Management System (CMS) in place that allows you to easily edit each web page of your site.
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